How to Attract Clients as a Marketing Consultant

Attending meetings and events related to your ideal client's industry is a great way to get more customers. Partnering with other consultants or firms can also help you focus on your target market. Requesting referrals from friends and family is an effective way to gain trust and appreciation from potential customers. Your current network can be a great asset in helping you attract future customers.

If they have a positive experience with you, they will be more likely to promote your services. Offering value every time you work with someone is the foundation of successful marketing. To maximize these possibilities, you need to be present where your audience spends time. Writing a guest blog related to your specialty and promoting it is a great way to do this.

Face-to-face interactions are more memorable than digital ones, and forging these relationships can expand your network to huge new audiences. Sites like LinkedIn, Meetup and Eventbrite are good starting points for finding events based on your location and industry. Joining Facebook groups and following industry professionals on Twitter can also help you grow your marketing consulting business. Social media has become an invaluable tool for marketing, so use it to speak directly to people with similar interests and leverage word-of-mouth referrals to win new customers.

Start by creating LinkedIn and Twitter accounts that contain important information that customers may need, and make sure they are updated with current content. Don't spam your contacts every time; strive to find a balance between sharing what interests you and what is related to your business. Your website should include information about the marketing consulting services you provide, your background and experience, and contact information. It's important to remember the basic concepts of any marketing strategy when trying to attract customers for consulting services or any type of business.

The consulting market is increasing in value year after year, offering high-paying customers if you know how to attract them. Take the time to determine which marketing tactic is right for your market and specific situation. Leveraging valuable resources can help you gain more consulting clients. The best consultants not only deliver the client's request, but also teach the client along the way, forming true partnerships. If selling and marketing your consulting services makes you uncomfortable, don't worry; there are many high-level consultants who have learned how to do this effectively through consultant training programs like Peredom, a leading MuleSoft and IT consulting community.

Frank Klinkenberg
Frank Klinkenberg

Beer lover. Amateur travel geek. Friendly burrito fan. Hipster-friendly social media expert. Devoted twitter buff. Devoted zombie junkie.